A unique way of sparking classroom discussion


Beyond Leaning In was the star of the syllabus in my graduate leadership seminar. The students appreciated the leadership lessons and the author’s savvy approach of weaving together characters from different generations and perspectives. If you are seeking animated class discussion that will draw out even reticent class contributors, I would encourage to you consider including Beyond Leaning In.”

- Jim Sirianni, The George Washington University

I am incorporating Beyond Leaning In into my undergraduate Human Resource Management course. I have found that many of my students are stunned by the ongoing inequalities of American workplaces, even in 2021. Beyond Leaning In puts a light on these important issues in an entertaining and engaging way.

- Corey Brushett, Albertus Magnus College

Examining complex concepts in a way that’s accessible and compelling


BEYOND LEANING IN is a different kind of business book — based on research, but told as a fast-paced novel.

Through fictional case studies based on real-world dynamics of women’s experience in the workplace, BEYOND LEANING IN explores topics relevant to multiple disciplines, including: organizational behavior, leadership studies and management, women’s and gender studies, social psychology, human resources, and business.

Note: while the book takes place at a fictional technology company, the concepts are universal and based on research across industries (for example, a few themes most relevant to higher education are here.)

Read my piece Why I wrote a “business book” as a novel (3-minute read) or listen to the related discussion in episode 1 of the BEYOND LEANING IN Podcast at left or wherever you get your podcasts (16:10 – 24:33 for the power of “useful fiction”).

Silver Medalist in the 2022 Axiom Business Book Awards

Free Instructional Guide for Educators


For each of the key themes listed below, the extensive 20-page instructional guide includes:

  • Lecture notes

  • Discussion questions

  • Further reading suggestions

  • Journaling prompts

  • Curated supplementary content by the author (videos, podcast episodes, comics, blogs)

Themes covered in the BEYOND LEANING IN Instructional Guide:

  • Generational Differences

  • Mental Auto-Completes (Opportunity Gap, “Butterfly Effect,” In-group Favoritism vs. Out-Group Bias, Benevolent Sexism, Intersectional Identity)

  • Advancement and Gendered Perceptions of Leadership (Unequal Penalty, Goldilocks Dilemma, Points vs. Assists)

  • Intent versus Impact

  • Hiring, Promotion, and Pay (Fatherhood Bonus vs. Motherhood Penalty, “Bet with” vs. “Prove it Again”)

  • Organizational Impatience and “Fix It” Culture

Other topics you’re looking to cover? I love curriculum design and am happy to brainstorm with you! Contact me to discuss!